Waypoints and Landmarks

Thus says the LORD: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16

A waypoint is an intermediate point or place on a route or line of travel. It most often refers to coordinates which specify one's position at the end of each "leg" of a journey often for resting or as a point at which course is changed.

A landmark is a recognizable feature used for navigation or finding direction. A landmark literally means a geographic feature used by explorers and others to find their way back or through an area.

My kids and I memorize these together on the car ride to school each morning. Typically we memorize one reference a week, unless it's particularly difficult or long, then we'll break it into as many weeks as necessary to commit it to memory. I originally had them ordered, but realized that leaving them unordered would let the particular events of the past or upcoming week lead us to verses that would be particularly helpful or pertinent. The verses marked by an * are decisively longer and I included them for either extended memorization or because they are passages that are important to remember and return to throughout life. All of the verses are meant to be good touch points in themselves but also entry points to their respective contexts.

I hope you memorize as many of them as you can. I hope they work themselves into the deepest parts of your soul. I hope these verses remind you who you are, who you belong to, and where your journey is taking you. Along the way, I hope these verses bring you peace and quiet. Pray these verses. Let these verses bring you into God's Word--starting points on a new leg of the journey. They are God's very words to you. These are waypoints and landmarks on your journey home.